Création Recherche Interdisciplinarité
C R I seeks to establish a dialogue and collaboration from the Arts, open to all disciplines and experimentations, applying Tim Ingold’s assertion that “art, and not science, is exemplary in the practice of research.” To this end, C R I conceives, produces, and disseminates artworks and the reflections that arise from them.
C R I seeks to establish a dialogue and collaboration from the Arts, open to all disciplines and experimentations, applying Tim Ingold’s assertion that “art, and not science, is exemplary in the practice of research.” To this end, C R I conceives, produces, and disseminates artworks and the reflections that arise from them.
For Édouard Glissant, the singularity and multiplicity of things are presented as divided pairs and dualities. In contrast, Glissant proposes a creaolisation in which you can change, be with the other, exchange with the other and still be yourself : you are not lost because you are multiple.
By working in groups, CRI advocates a Glissandian spirit in artistic research, which aims to work in a transversal way through HAAS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences) and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines.
For Édouard Glissant, the singularity and multiplicity of things are presented as divided pairs and dualities. In contrast, Glissant proposes a creaolisation in which you can change, be with the other, exchange with the other and still be yourself : you are not lost because you are multiple.
By working in groups, CRI advocates a Glissandian spirit in artistic research, which aims to work in a transversal way through HAAS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences) and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines.
“Si on me demande de dessiner un arbre, je ne dessine jamais un arbre, je dessine une forêt, je dessine une jungle!”
“If I'm asked to draw a tree, I never draw a tree, I draw a forest, I draw a jungle!”
Édouard Glissant in One World in Relation, film directed by Manthia Diawara
C R I aims for supradisciplinarity, an umbrella term by which Balsiger et al. (2004) refer to when we trespass disciplinary boundaries and leave behind monodisciplinary practices, those that prevail in most of the quantitative / positivist academic realm.
C R I vise la supradisciplinarité, terme avec Balsiger et al. (2004) désignent les fois où nous dépassons les frontières disciplinaires et sortons des nos pratiques monodisciplinaires, celles qui règnent dans le domaine académique de la recherche quantitative / positiviste.